For our fifth article about the problems with the Yale Integrity Project, we share Part 3/3 of the critique by Jesse Singal. Republished here in full with the permission of the author. Jesse Singal brings us up to date on significant events and publications since he published his second piece in this series. Then he…
Review of the sources underpinning criticisms and misrepresentations of the Cass Review – particularly McNamara et al of “The ‘Integrity’ Project” web page. In Gender medicine and the Cass Review: why medicine and the law make poor bedfellows, authors Cheung et al. painstakingly review the two sources underpinning the original BMA council motion to ‘publically…
For our fourth article about the problems with the Yale Integrity Project, we share Part 2/3 of the critique by Jesse Singal. Republished here in full with the permission of the author. First Singal provides us with a primer on evidence based medicine. Then he dives into a deep and detailed analysis of the misunderstandings…
For our third article about the problems with the Yale Integrity Project, we share this critique by Jesse Singal. Republished here in full with the permission of the author. He makes similar points to those highlighted by FDNHSA about the conflict of interest of the authors and also provides important commentary about the Yale “Integrity”…
“Examining the Cass Review: Impacts on gender dysphoria treatment in South Africa.” This article was published by FDNHSA in the Mail & Guardian on 21 July 2024. It was a follow up to our 17 May 2024 article, “The Cass Review provides guidance on gender-affirming care: SA’s medical community is now at a crossroads” which…
The Yale Integrity Project (YIP) report was released in July 2024 by the Yale Law School in response to the Cass review which described “gender affirming care” as based on “wholly inadequate evidence”: “An Evidence-Based Critique of “The Cass Review” on Gender-affirming Care for Adolescent Gender Dysphoria.” The YIP report has multiple problems and this…
The Yale Integrity Project (YIP) report was released by the Yale Law School in response to the Cass Review in July 2024: “An Evidence-Based Critique of “The Cass Review” on Gender-affirming Care for Adolescent Gender Dysphoria”. This critique has multiple problems. We will publish a series of articles to explain them, rather than trying to…
On 10 April 2024, the UK’s NHS released the Cass Review, or the Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People, which followed a four year investigation of the evidence on social transition and medicalisation of gender distressed children and youth. On 17 May 2024 Spotlight, a public health news publication in…